For Schools
BE THE CHANGE is a multi-media assembly program that brings to life over a dozen letters written by young people to their heroes throughout history, the responses they received, and their powerful impact on society. Among the many letters in this program, Stan Lee makes good on a decades-old promise, a 9-year-old hoopster consults NBA superstar Steph Curry on his shoe empire, a teenaged Tom Hanks tries to get "discovered", and an 11-year-old girl tells Abraham Lincoln to grow a beard.
An inspiring addition to any ELA, Social Studies, History, or Humanities curriculum, this diverse and inclusive presentation is a powerful reminder that writing one single letter can truly change the world.
Available as an in-person or virtual presentation.
Synopsis of each letter and why it was written.
Brief history of letter writing and its continued impact.
Breakdown of different kinds of letters that can be written.
Historical overview of the U.S. Postal Service.
BE THE CHANGE is aligned with Common Core State Standards in ELA and Literacy in History/Social Studies, as well as state standards in performing arts. We cover topics involving civil rights, LGBTQ issues, racial profiling, teenage depression, perseverance, following your bliss, and how to get a certain beloved U.S. President to grow out his beard.